Music has many benefits for our mental health. Listening to music makes our body relax, and learning to play a musical instrument helps reduce stress and anxiety levels. The benefits of music on children have already been scientifically proven; it is clear that if children are learning to play a musical instrument, they are likely to have ease in their studies and especially in subjects related to numbers. Many studies prove that music has a beneficial effect on our body and our total well-being if we start learning music at a more advanced age.
Here are some benefits of music that can help improve your life.
Time Management
Music is one of the areas which needs constant practice and discipline. These concepts are strongly related to time management. You can practice 5 hours per day and not advance, but with correct time management, accurate and focused practice, your technique improvement is a question of time. Planification is the start of a correct routine. Once you manage your schedules and understand the importance of training, your success is guaranteed.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Playing a musical instrument is a good support to reduce anxiety levels and improve your mood. Nowadays, life is stressful and speedy; we have to make quick decisions and respond to possible errors. Our mind is exposed to overwhelming and demanding activities and tasks, which make our mental abilities less compelling. Playing a musical instrument helps guide all the negativity, stress and pressure towards something friendly and efficient.
All the instruments have their attractive points and their difficulties. However, learning to play an instrument should not be another stressful activity. Online interactive music classes can be a great option to change our negative energy into an original and productive spirit.
Apps like Vanido are an excellent support to improve your vocal singing skills; Skoove is one of the best online piano lessons offering apps with easy tasks and activities for all levels or Guitar Tricks – a finely designed app to learn to play the guitar.
Medical research has shown that music reduces the amount of cortisol hormone, which is one of the stress-causing hormones.
Social Life Improvement
Music makes you unique. You stand out among your classmates, friends; you stand out in your environment. You also create a broader network with people sharing hobbies similar to yours. Music connects people; you are likely to prefer playing in a band or collaborating with other musicians. When you learn music, you also learn to listen to other instruments, developing a strong sense of leadership and teamwork. You are more patient and tolerant of mistakes. Music ties and links; gives you a sense of satisfaction.
Learning to play an instrument is challenging. It consists in making goals and achieving them. Nothing is more satisfactory than a new fulfilled goal and a new achievement.
“When I had nothing else, I had my mother and the piano. And you know what? They were all I needed.” -Alicia Keys.
Finding satisfaction in the instrument you are playing is finding support and solution to many issues.
Music is Patience
Music apps are getting more popular as they offer flexible and entertaining lessons. Learning to play a new instrument supposes concentration and hours of practice. Thanks to technology, traditional music lessons already have an alternative: online music classes.
Nevertheless, even if you opt for fun apps, you still need to practice. Regular and systematized practices construct a strong awareness of the importance of playing the instrument. This awareness arises into patience and endurance. For children, it is an ability of moderation and persistence. For adults, it is tolerance and self-control.
Memory Enhancement
Playing a musical instrument enhances your memory and activates your brain. Motoring skills activate memory sections of the brain. Music reactivates stored memory and makes its content active for a long time. It also boosts muscle memory and short-term memory. Rhythm in music can decipher hidden information you could not have access to.
If traditional lessons were offering constant practice and muscle memory enhancement, online classes have an extra benefit: learning music by apps builds up your visual memory.
Creativity and Fun
You can agree or disagree with the benefits of music on your well-being, but the universal truth is that music is fun. Music gives you a chance to be free, creative and happy.
Music apps have broken boring lesson stereotypes. Interactive music lessons convert the learning process into a daily fun activity full of new challenges, achievements, self-esteem and inspiration.
What can be better than doing what gives you pleasure and boosts happiness hormone production!
Guru Rajneesh insists that being creative means being in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty; you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.
Learning to play a new instrument is full of advantages. It is beneficial for your mental health. Music is a great happiness booster. It generates self-confidence and decision-making qualities. It has a calming effect on your brain; it reduces stress and anxiety and transforms your negative energy into goals and accomplishments. Starting music classes is a serious decision; however, a correct choice of an instrument and lesson plan can train your body, brain and spirit.
Take advantage of all the benefits music offers you!