The UK is an online shopping titan, with eCommerce revenue going far beyond what the tiny island nation should be producing. Home to over 68 million people, 65 million of which are said to be internet users, the opportunity is there for quick and convenient purchases of just about anything that anyone could want.
Now, annual revenue for eCommerce in the UK totals over $120 billion (£104.4 billion), with over 80 percent of citizens buying something online in 2021. Retail is huge in the UK, and these massive figures from eCommerce only account for 30 percent of the total market – but that is up by ten percent from 2020.
There’s a lot of trust in online stores, and plenty of people are happy to explore beyond the big-name brands of eCommerce. In years gone by, this would be a huge risk, but there are plenty of very safe ways to make online purchases.
Here are the ways in which the residents of the UK are indulging in quick and convenient online shopping, all while knowing what’s keeping their financial and personal details safe.
Safety nets provided by an old favorite

Despite the evolution of the internet and digital payment methods, the old standbys have remained popular picks. Credit cards remain popular, especially when it comes to online shopping. While being able to extend your credit is one reason behind this, so too is the support that you’d get if anything adverse occurs.
In a worst-case scenario, your credit card information gets compromised. However, as it’s just the information and not the physical card, the companies will usually not make the owner liable and allow you to dispute the transactions. Some credit card providers go an extra step to offer further safety nets.
It’s also great to know that banks have your back, as you can get a credit
card refund or ‘chargeback’ in cases where you didn’t get what you paid for or you’ve been charged the wrong amount.
The safety-providing middle-man

By far, the most common payment method among UK online shoppers is digital, mobile, or eWallets. With a 32 percent share of payment methods, the ease of use and added security are certainly resonating with British shoppers. While credit and debit cards are the go-to options, eWallets allow you to use those but also add another wall of security.
When you register one of your cards with an eWallet service, all of those details remain on your side of the transaction, rather than transferring your payment information to the vendor. Instead, the eWallet notes your payment, takes the funds, informs the vendor that they’re being paid, and then sends them the money from the eWallet company. Every transaction goes through enhanced encryption to ensure safety and privacy.
Final checks for website safety

Finally, you can always check a website’s safety. Many think that the padlock along the search bar represents a safe site. However, all that this shows is that there is an SSL/TLs certificate and that the HTTPS encryption has been verified. What you really need to look at is the validation, with EV (extended validation) showcasing the most extensive and safest form of TLS/SSL. If the EV is there, it’s safe to shop at that online store. Still, it’s important to always update your browser to keep the security level high.
For online shoppers in the UK – of which there are many – credit cards, eWallets, and checking for EV validation offer clear-cut ways to ensure safety when making purchases online.