How to improve the quality of O2 network communication indoors?

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Cellular Internet and communication are a part of our lives and only when communication disappears do they start to mention it. Everyone is familiar with the situation when during an important conversation the connection is suddenly interrupted due to insufficient signal level, or the presence of “dead zones” in rooms where mobile communication is completely absent. An inexpensive and effective solution to boost o2 signal is to use a cellular amplifier.

Reasons for the disappearance of the cellular signal, 3G, In the city: thick walls of buildings made of glass, brick or reinforced concrete create a “screen” when passing radio waves. Even a large number of base stations in large cities are not able to provide 100% coverage of the entire territory. Outside the city: due to the long distances to the base stations, a significant weakening of the radio signal is possible, the presence of natural obstacles (forests, hills) is also of great importance for the passage of the radio signal.

How to choose the signal repeater?

The signal repeater is a device that has the function of regenerating the signal of the cellular network (mobile) of the various telephone operators.

The repeater can be installed in buildings, residentials, offices, companies, industrial warehouses (or outdoors) where the signal of telephone operators, is not powerful enough for the use of voice-data terminals (mobile phone, tablet, data connection for computer networks etc.).

What kind of signal can they handle with the signal repeater?

The signal repeater is built to meet the various needs, that is, it is available in various versions to be able to manage any signal, both voice and/or data, based on the specific needs of the customer.

For example, if the customer has to manage only voice traffic, a GSM signal repeater (EGSM) will suffice, but if it is necessary to have GSM and UMTS coverage, you will opt for a dual-band signal repeater (GSM UMTS)

But a repeater may also be required for the 4G LTE signal only, perhaps for the internet connection only, if (to exemplify) within a structure the 4G signal is absent and you want to use a 4G router for data connection or even ADSL backup.

Most operators are now deploying 5G coverage in both the United States and Europe. This generation of mobile communications is designed to provide incredible speed and stability to the mobile Internet. And most companies that provide boost o2 signal services, including UCtel, offer their customers repeaters that can work with fifth-generation networks.

Signal booster for offices

Recently the need to provide, within public places and offices, multi-operator connectivity on all frequency bands is growing. The customer users use different telephone operators and, the absence of a cellular signal, is a limit at the level of provision of services, perceived by the users themselves as a lack of attention from the manager of the structure, connectivity needs.

That’s why UCtel offers a wide range of quint band signal repeaters, that is, for the simultaneous management of all operators at the same time. The company offers several types of cellular repeaters:

  • mono-band repeaters (e.g.: GSM, only UMTS, only LTE)
  • dual-band (e.g.: GSM-UMTS, GSM-LTE, UMTS-LTE etc.)
  • triband (e.g. GSM-EGSM-UMTS, EGSM-LTE800-LTE2600 etc).

Does the signal booster increase radiation?

There is still a myth that mobile communication has negative radiation that has a detrimental effect on the human body. But it has long been refuted.So the signal repeater improves the quality and strength of the operator’s signal, reducing the amount of power delivered by the user’s devices, thus also decreasing the power of the emitted radiation, protecting the user.

Is it true that with a repeater the smartphone consumes less battery power?

Yes, because, as mentioned above, by reducing the power that a mobile phone must emit to reach the operator’s antenna, power consumption is also dramatically reduced, consuming less battery life.

How does the O2 signal booster work?

The cellular signal booster works as follows: a weak signal from the base station is received by an external antenna, then the signal is sent via cable to the repeater, where this signal is amplified, and via the cable goes to the internal antenna, which reradiates the signal to the subscriber. In turn, the amplified signals from cell phones are received by the internal antenna and enter the repeater, where they are amplified to the required level, are fed through the cable to the external antenna and radiated towards the base station of the cellular network.

Conditions for installation of the amplifier

Before you buy a cellular amplifier you need to determine:

  • Frequency range in which your operator operates; 
  • Are you in the coverage area of ​​this cellular operator;
  • The area of ​​the room to be covered (the larger the area of ​​the room, the more powerful the amplifier is needed and vice versa);
  • The level and quality of communication on the street near the room (the better the communication on the street, the less powerful amplifier will be needed to improve the quality of cellular communication).

After determining these parameters, you can begin to select the necessary equipment. UCtel specialists will help you at every stage of your choice and you will get exactly the signal amplifier you need for your business to have sufficient communication.

How to properly install a repeater

When you choose a repeater and want to install it yourself, you need to know the basics of installation. There is nothing complicated here, but it is still better for the installation to be done by professionals. Here we will still consider the steps that will help you properly install and configure the device.

To begin, you need to know in which direction you have the base station of the cellular operator. Then place the external antenna as high as possible toward the tower. Connect the cable to the external antenna and route it to the repeater. Secure the indoor antenna indoors, keeping the signal even. And connect it to the repeater. Finally, plug the relay into the outlet and that’s it.

Aazam Shaikh

Aazam Shaikh is a experienced content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and impactful narratives. He specialised in creating a wide range of content, from blogs and news articles to web copy and social media posts. Over the years, He has worked with diverse clients across various industries, helping brands build their voice and connect with audiences.

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