Shreyas Iyer was on Wednesday appointed captain of Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) ahead of IPL 2022 season. KKR bought Shreyas for Rs 12.25 crore in the recently held IPL mega auction. Shreyas has in the past captained the Delhi Capitals franchise and led the team to its maiden IPL final in the 2020 season. An injury forced him to sit out of the initial phase of the 2021 season, which saw Rishabh Pant taking over as the captain of DC. Shreyas returned for the UAE leg of the season but DC decided to retain Pant as captain. Shreyas was thereafter not retained by the franchise, which led him to getting picked by KKR in the auction.
Making the announcement, Venky Mysore, CEO & MD of KKR said, “we are delighted firstly to have been able to successfully bid for Shreyas in the IPL auction & to have the opportunity for him to lead #TeamKKR. He has impressed one & all as a quality batsman at the highest level & we are confident that he will excel as a leader of #TeamKKR.”
Head Coach Brendon McCullum said – “I am very excited to have one of India’s brightest future leaders in Shreyas Iyer, take the reins at KKR. I’ve enjoyed Shreyas’ game and his captaincy skills from afar and now will look forward to working closely with him to drive forward the success and style of play we want at KKR” Accepting captaincy of KKR,
Shreyas Iyer said – “ I am extremely honoured to have gotten the opportunity to lead a prestigious team like KKR. The IPL as a tournament brings the best players from different countries and cultures together and I look forward to leading this great group of very talented individuals. I would like to thank the owners, management and support staff of KKR for giving me the opportunity to lead this team and I am confident that we will find the right synergies to achieve the team’s goals. Kolkata and The Eden Gardens have a very rich history when it comes to Indian cricket and I look forward to contributing to this rich history and making our fans proud of us as a team! Korbo Lorbo Jeetbo!”
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