Marketing From Day One In The Digital Age

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Starting a new business is fun, exciting, and a little scary, and marketing is one of the most important things you will do – right from Day One. No matter what product or service you’re selling, you need to make sure that you have a solid marketing plan to draw in those customers and drive sales. Any new marketing plan in the digital age starts with digital content for your website and across the internet. It’s so crucial to your bottom-line that it can increase web traffic by 850% – and that means a bonus for your sales. So, how is that possible? It largely comes down to content. Content is the most significant internet player in driving traffic to your website from around the globe. But how you get there takes as much time and effort as running your business operations day-to-day – and it starts before you even get online.

It Starts With A Name

Marketing is often thought of as the deliberate actions taken to advertise a brand. However, the reality is that marketing begins from the minute your business goes public: and that starts with your business name. Digital marketing experts at Neon Ambition note that a successful brand name fits with the company image and appeals to the target market from the beginning. It will be the thing that provides direction for messaging, imagery and brand logos, and it will be what makes your business stand out from the crowd. Experts recommend that a business naming service is a wise investment in the early stages of business development to ensure that your business – and its marketing – gets off on the right foot. Your business name, after all, is what sets the stage for your entire business, and it will frame the rest of your marketing strategy.

Business Content For Your Company Website

If you plan to invest in website development, consider this: 60% of businesses with a content strategy generate 64% more in sales than those without a content plan. That alone is reason enough to incorporate a content marketing plan from Day One. The goal is to captivate your audience with content that matters to them. Luckily, you likely already have the research completed on your market demographics to build a successful first-year marketing content plan.

Some of the top content types businesses have used in the past year continue to rank highest for companies looking to reach consumers. The most select content options businesses use to get the attention of their clients is of no surprise: blogs or writing short-form articles (64%), creating email newsletters (74%), and video production (62%).

Types Of Content Distribution Channels

Content doesn’t do a business any good if it’s not moving. Affiliate marketing is excellent passive income, but it’s not a strategy that many business-to-business or business-to-consumer companies use. Among the top ten most widely used forms for content distribution channels during 2021/2022, businesses reached their customers through social media platforms, individual business websites and blogs, and email. These should be the first basic marketing platforms you incorporate into your business to help develop your brand and clientele.

Starting a successful new business always begins with a good business plan. But no business plan can do without a well-formulated marketing content strategy in this digital age. Delaying means the difference of 60% in additional revenues generated by having a marketing content strategy.

Aazam Shaikh

Aazam Shaikh is a experienced content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and impactful narratives. He specialised in creating a wide range of content, from blogs and news articles to web copy and social media posts. Over the years, He has worked with diverse clients across various industries, helping brands build their voice and connect with audiences.

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