Record House Prices and Red Hot Market Spurs New Tech-Focussed Mortgage Solutions

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It’s tough to understate just how hot the housing market has been over the last nearly two years. House prices are at historic highs, the average asking price continues to rise, and scarcity in many markets continues to be one of the primary drivers. With so many people willing to sell the now more desirable houses, interest in the whims of the housing market has also hit a new high in mainstream media.

This is all in the face of constant predictions of a slowing of price growth and even a course correct. In the UK, for example, S&P Global Ratings reportedly say that London’s property market is overvalued by as much as 50 percent, and the rest of the country overvalued at 20 percent. So, a great correction is said to be expected soon.

Regardless, the sheer level of interest and money being spent has eyes fixed on the housing market. As a result, new tech solutions for mortgages have come to the fore, including new crypto-backed products.

Quick analysis for the hot market

Of course, you should never brazenly rush into buying a house or speed along with the many steps that it takes to see, confirm, check, and then get a mortgage. Care and attention should be dedicated to all steps of the process, as there are so many different factors to consider when purchasing a property.

However, there are some ways to minimize the laborious nature of certain steps. For example, when considering your budget and the realistic financial limits to your property search, it’s helpful to acquire an accurate mortgage in principle, which many people want to arrange quickly so that they can react to sudden market changes. As the Trussle mortgage in principle soft checks your eligibility with 18 lenders, it quickly offers a competitive and compared figure that accurately calculates how much you can borrow. Lasting from between 30 and 90 days, once you’ve submitted the free request, you’ll get the MIP straight away, and it can be downloaded as evidence of you being able to afford a property.

This ability to get a MIP in an instant through checks with 18 lenders is perfect for the current environment. It’s fast, reliable, and free – which is what’s needed when house prices are continuing to jump. Other useful online tools are the price checkers that quickly allow you to see a rough estimate of a house’s worth as well as how much others in the area are sold for.

Mortgages joining the crypto-revolution

Source: Unsplash

Cryptocurrencies have been a point of contention for several years – pretty much since Bitcoin shot to beyond $19,000 in December 2017 before tumbling down. Some people focus on them as an investment vehicle, with the high volatility being attractive to more daring investors and traders. Others see cryptocurrencies as the future of finance, despite the hard stance of the majority of governments against them holding true value.

Still, the debates haven’t deterred Figure, which will offer loans that borrow against your crypto assets. These products, called “Crypto Mortgage” and “Crypto Mortgage Plus,” enable those with Bitcoin and Ethereum to fund home purchases. The “Plus” plan offers some fiat currency flexibility, too, by letting borrowers lend up to half of their crypto value, make a 20 percent down payment, and then cover the rest via a standard mortgage.

Even if house prices are bordering on absurd now, there are at least some tech solutions that are making it easier to get a foot in the door.

Aazam Shaikh

Aazam Shaikh is a experienced content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and impactful narratives. He specialised in creating a wide range of content, from blogs and news articles to web copy and social media posts. Over the years, He has worked with diverse clients across various industries, helping brands build their voice and connect with audiences.

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