When Samsung launched the first Galaxy Fold device in 2019, it started at a wallet-busting $1,980. The latest device, the Galaxy Fold 4, started at $1,800 for 256 GB of storage and went up to $2,160 for 1 TB of onboard storage. That’s a large chunk of cash to pay for a smartphone, even one with a fancy fold down the middle. Samsung could drop its margins slightly and likely gain more market share. That would also reduce the hoops customers would have to jump through to get the best deal on the Fold 5
During the run-up to the Fold 4 release, Samsung had multiple preorder deals, which made the foldable more affordable. These included a free upgrade to the 512 GB storage option if you bought the 256 GB Fold 4 directly from Samsung’s online store. A free cover and up to $1,000 in trade-in credit were also included. The proviso was that only the Galaxy Z Fold 3 counted for the total $1,000 trade-in value.
Samsung also gave hundreds of dollars in Samsung credit, only usable on other devices purchased after the Galaxy Z Fold 4. That’s still technically a discount, but only while padding Samsung’s sales figures for accessories and other devices. We’d love to see a lower cost at launch; even a $100 difference would be significant.
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