The mobile phone cases for the Galaxy S22 and S22+ are, as expected, dark green with the iconic Starbucks logo stamped on the back. One variant includes the text “Count the Stars in your Galaxy,” a clear play on the two brands’ names. The more interesting and probably more divisive cases are for the Galaxy S22 Ultra, which appear to be specially-branded versions of Samsung’s official Silicone Cover with Strap. That design never sat well with many Galaxy owners, but perhaps a Starbucks design would help change some minds. Amusingly, one variant has a white strap that looks like a Starbucks receipt.
Admittedly, the charging case for the Galaxy Buds 2 is more attractive than the phone cases, if only for its novelty. The case resembles another Starbucks staple — its white ceramic mug, in this case — with the famous heart-shaped latte art on top. Sure, it will take up more space in your bag than the regular case, but it definitely has an eye-catching design you’ll want to always put on display.
There is also a more standard and compact charging case that has a dark green shell and white exterior. According to the Starbucks Korea announcement page, the earbuds cases are also compatible with the Galaxy Buds Live and Galaxy Buds Pro. The coffee shop-themed accessories are currently on sale in limited quantities in South Korea, but there’s no word yet on whether a global launch will take place. The collaboration may be limited to South Korea, which would be a shame since coffee is nearly universal, as is the Starbucks brand.
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