Meta-owned instant messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly rolling out the ability to send HD photos to its users. According to a report by WaBetaInfo, some beta testers on Android and iOS are seeing a new option that allows them to manage the photo quality. The new ability is available for those who have installed the latest WhatsApp beta for iOS update from the TestFlight app, and the WhatsApp beta for Android update from the Google Play Store.
Sharing a screenshot of the feature, the report says that WhatsApp users will be able to choose a better quality when sending photos. However, the option only appears when one selects a photo large in size.
However, this does not mean that users will be able to send photos in their original quality ‘because this option preserves image dimensions.’
The report says that every time a user shares a photo by choosing the “high quality” option, it is marked as a high-quality photo so a new tag is automatically added to the message bubble. The information, it says, will help the recipient understand when a photo is sent by using this feature. It is worth mentioning that the feature is limited to images only. There is still no way to send a video with better quality without sending it as a document. Also, the feature is not available when sharing photos by using status updates.
As mentioned above, the feature is available to select beta testers only. It is expected that the company may roll out the feature to end users in the near future.
In another news, WhatsApp banned 74 lakh Indian accounts during the month of April as part of preventive actions to combat abuse on its platform. While delving into the details, the WhatsApp spokesperson added that around 24 lakh accounts were banned as part of proactive measures and were not based on any reports from the users of the social media platform.
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Updated: 07 Jun 2023, 03:40 PM IST
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