Custom Hairspray Boxes for Beauty Salon Use

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Hairspray and hair products have always been one of the bestselling items in America. In fact, over 1 billion dollars is spent yearly on customizing these products according to customer specifications and preferences. The packaging alone makes a difference – if your packaging is attractive and appealing, more customers will be attracted to purchase your products, and more will become repeat customers.

Custom Printed Hairspray Boxes

However, the packaging has very little to do with converting tons of customers into paying customers. That is where custom printed hairspray boxes come into play! These boxes are a vital part of most hair salon businesses due to their overall function of serving as a marketing tool. While customers do not see the product itself, they do smell it and hold it (touch it!). This is often enough to make a customer pick up a box and head for the salon.

Box of Hair Product

However, the visual appeal of the box is certainly no substitute for the message it conveys. Every time that a customer goes to pick up their box of hair product, they are exposed to an image of a beautiful blonde, brunette, black woman or whatever other “flawless” face the company chooses to display for them. Every time they open the box, they see the name of the product printed clearly on the box. Every time the box is opened and examined, it is possible for the customer to see firsthand how well the product worked for them. It is the visual cues that really seal the deal for customers.


For this reason, every hair salon needs to design their custom boxes in order to attract new customers and keep current customers coming back. A custom box is like a storefront for your business. If you fail to customize it properly, there is a good chance that you will not see much success. On the other hand, if you fail to use the box correctly, it may cause the customer to view your business in a negative light, which will lead to the loss of business.

Local Hair Salon

In order to help you determine what your custom box should look like, there are a number of resources available. Check out some of the many magazines and websites out there that focus on hairdressing as well as the websites of your local hair salon professional association. There are often photos on the websites of actual boxes that have been created by actual hair stylists. You can also contact a local hairdresser and ask him/her for some ideas regarding the best way to go about designing a custom box.

Once you have decided on the overall look of your custom box, there are still some other things that you can do to enhance the appeal of it. For instance, a great way to make it stand out is to include the name of your salon somewhere prominently on the box. This way, when a customer opens the box, they know exactly where they are going to find the service that they need.

Custom Printed Boxes

Another fun thing to add onto custom printed boxes is a catchy phrase or a cute picture. This way, customers who receive the box in the mail will be motivated to pick up the box and try out your services. If you have a good enough relationship with your local community, you might even be able to get some boxes printed with the logo of your salon on them. These personalized custom boxes can be given out at events or even thrown in the trash cans at the end of the day.


The main goal of customizing a hair box is to create an appealing environment for your customers. You want them to walk into your shop, feel comfortable, and to want to stay. You should never have to stress over this, because your customers are what keeps you in business. A custom box can be a powerful marketing tool if done properly. It doesn’t matter if your box is pink or blue, large or small, with a great design or funny slogan, people will take notice. They will also think of you as a salon that cares about their hair as well as you care about their hair.


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